
Denver, Colorado

澳门足彩app在丹佛的办公室有几个项目主管, 项目经理, 主管和设计团队成员, 重点支持重要的重复客户,并在该地区发现新的客户和合作伙伴.


Matt Craft,建筑总监,担任丹佛地区办公室主任. 项目主管杰克·辛克莱也在丹佛地区工作. 丹佛办事处拥有大约20名澳门足彩app专业人员.


支持的服务包括项目管理(施工前), planning, procurement, contracting, execution, closeout), 工程(机械, electrical), 地盘监督及谘询.

Markets supported in Colorado include Advanced Manufacturing; Aviation & Aerospace; Beer, Wine & Spirits; 民用基础设施 & Transportation; Commercial; 消费产品; Education; Federal; Food & Beverage; Healthcare; Life Sciences; Municipal; Religion & Cultural; and Water.

澳门足彩app的丹佛, Colorado office offers delivery methods including 设计(DB); Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR); 工程师采购及建造(EPC); 项目管理(PM); 设计制造构造(DMC); and Construction Management (CM). 此外,澳门足彩app在合同结构上非常灵活,高度重视客户需求.

Clients supported by the Denver office include Molson Coors; Ball Corporation; and several others.


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